Delayed Flight more than 3+ hours? Flight Cancelled?
Have You Been Sick Whilst On a Holiday In the Last 3 Years?
You May Have a Case, Speak to One of Us Today to Get Free Advice!
No Upfront Costs
The Check is a free, standalone service. Should you then pursue a claim, we work on a strictly no-win, no-fee* basis. So you don't pay a penny for any unsuccessful claims.
Reclaim What Could Be Rightfully Yours
If you decide to make a claim through IronStone Legal, we aim to recover 100% of any amount that you're due.
Peace of Mind
We are here to help you the whole way through the process, doing all the necessary legwork and documentation... So you don't have to!
How Can We Help You?
When you book a package holiday you are covered by the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. These regulations allow you to pursue a claim against your tour operator for compensation relating to any illness or injury caused as a result of their negligence.
Legionnaires' Disease
Food Poisoning
Bacterial Infections
& Others
What's Next?
Once you fill in the form we will verify your claims details.
We will prepare &
submit your case. While also doing all the legwork so you don't have to.
Your money received
if successful
Why Choose Us?
No Win No Fee*
We only charge once you win your claim. So if we don't claim anything, you don't pay us a penny.
Peace of Mind
You can cancel within the first 14 days without incurring any cancellation fees.
No Hidden Charges
We value your trust and keeping our integrity.
We charge a success fee of 32.5% + VAT (39% in total)
Proven track record and thousands of customers
No Upfront Fee
Working on a strictly No Win No Fee basis you can begin your claims check(s) for absolutely FREE