Updated Thursday 4th July 2019
If you are not happy with the reasons the insurance company give for rejecting your claim, you have a right to complain.
Insurance Policies not only protects against risk and uncertainties but also provide secure investment channels.
It is very common to run into issues when you put forward a claim to your Insurance Company, for example, your insurer may refuse to honor the claim or may offer you less than what you claimed for we know how frustrating it can be at a vital moment.
Why Might Your Claim Be Rejected?
Insurers do not want to reject Claims however there are many reasons why a claim can be rejected or not honored in full;
The policy was not in force at the time of the corresponding incident/event
You haven't followed the claims process correctly
The policy is invalid because you didn't tell the truth when you applied for insurance or failed to disclose something which could affect your claim
You haven't kept to a condition of your policy
The policy is invalid because you may have not disclosed all information required or simply forgot to disclose relevant information
You didn't tell your insurer about a change in your circumstances
The item wasn't covered by your policy
There is an exclusion clause in the policy which means that you can't claim for what's happened
You've missed some of the installments of your policy premium
You have exaggerated the claim and are trying to claim for more than you should
What if My Insurer Won't Pay Out the Full Amount?
In some cases your insurer may agree to pay some of your claim, but not the full amount. This could be because of one of the following reasons:​
Your insurer thinks that you have put an unrealistic value on your claim, and will only pay you part of it
Unless you have a new for old policy, the item for which you are claiming was old, and your insurer will pay you less than the cost of replacing it with a new item. This is because you have already had some use from it
There is a limit in your policy on the amount the insurer will pay for any one item
You have to pay an excess
You have under-estimated the total value of your claim and do not have enough insurance to cover your losses. This is called being under-insured
You deliberately or carelessly withheld information or misled your insurers when you took out, renewed or changed your policy and the insurer would have charged a higher premium because of this.
What Can I Do Next?
You don't have to go through the daunting task of claiming on your own, having a reputable claims management company like IronStone Legal representing and helping you along the way providing you with a platform to fight the insurance company and win.
Remember, If you think your insurer is acting unreasonably in refusing to pay the full amount of your claim, you have the right to complain.
Don't Forget Time is Of the Essence
The Insurance Act 2015 states that an insurance company can’t reject your claim if you did your due diligence to answer all their questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge meaning there is additional responsibility on insurance companies to ask the right questions in order to decide whether or not to insure potential policyholders and at what costs, rather than the burden being on policyholders to disclose information which may be relevant.
You must also be aware there are time bars in place for insurance claims and you don't want to miss out on what could be rightfully yours so ACT FAST!
IronStone Legal is a trading name of Demirtas Finance Ltd, Registered in England and Wales number 07975646.
Demirtas Finance Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a claims management company, Interim Permission Number 838139.
Regulated by the Information Commissioners Office in Respect of the Data Protection Act 2018 number: Z3119423
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