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Appealing Against Rejection


Once we have submitted your claim, the bank/lender or insurance provider must issue you acknowledgement of receipt and they must tell us that they are investigating your case actively. Also our company will update you via our automated sms service as your case develops. Please ensure that we have your correct contact details.


Your bank or insurance provider must provide you a final decision within 8 weeks. Generally there are two possible decisions:


  • A successful claim – If this is the case, the bank/lender or insurance provider must calculate your compensation which will include all of the premiums you paid also the interest. Some banks or insurance providers would also pay 8% interest.


  • A rejected claim – If this is the case, the bank/lender or insurance provider will reject your claim, although they must give their reasons in writing. If you receive a rejection letter, our experienced team at IronStone Legal would help you to complain against the decision. Will take your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service where further investigation will take place. See below for more information.

Finance Ombudsman Service website:

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