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Check Your Eligibility to Claim For FREE Today

Not sure if you're entitled to a refund?

Had a loan, mortgage or credit card in the past?

Been mis-sold a financial service?

No Upfront Costs

The eligibility check is a free, standalone service which aims to find out whether or not you may have a case to claim. Should you then pursue a claim, we work on a strictly no-win, no-fee* basis.

Reclaim What Could Be Rightfully Yours

If you decide to make a claim through IronStone Legal, we aim to recover 100% of any premiums that you have paid, plus any interest paid on those premiums and where possible a further 8% in statutory interest where applicable (PPI, PBA claims etc.).

Our Largest Claim to Date is


**The free check is stand-alone, you won't be charged an upfront fee for us to check.

What's Next?


Once you submit the online form you'll receive your claim pack in the post, complete one form per account and return in the enclosed PREPAID envelope (if need be).


We will check your eligibility to claim.


We then handle all the necessary documentation and legwork, you'll receive live SMS updates on the case(s).

Why Choose Us?

No Win No Fee*

We only charge once you win your claim. So if we don't claim anything, you don't pay us a penny.

£9,810 Potential Refund±

Total average successful claims across our multiple services.

Peace of Mind

You can cancel within the first 14 days without incurring any cancellation fees.


Proven track record and thousands of customers

© All Rights Reserved. IronStone Legal - 2018

Regulated by the Information Commissioners Office in Respect of the Data Protection Act 1998: Z3119423

'IronStone Legal' is a trading name of Demirtas Finance Ltd which is Registered in England and Wales number: 07975646.


*Fees may apply for cancellations outside of the 14 day cool off period. ± Before any deduction for 182 claims resolved 6 months prior to 14/02/2018. 

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